Tech + Digital Media // THE FUTURE
Technology has been around for a very long time and we use it in too many things that we cannot keep up with it. It has come to the point that we have become too reliant on it that if something were to happen to all systems, we would be in panic because everything is run on technology. But enough of that, technology is always evolving and improving at a fast rate that people are now taking technology to the next level.
The creativity of people has never ceased to impress the world because what is being brought into the world always leaves us in shock. People are taking advantage of the development of technology using it to great extents.
As you can see, the image above is showing a mask made out of a Motion Sensor 2074 Pixel Display using LEDs to illuminate the design that you decide on. This makes it more developed for the reason that as it uses a motion sensor, with a single touch, the image on display will switch to another making it a SMART Technology. Not only this, but this can be connected on your phone via the bluetooth feature to connect with the application. Within this app, you are able to adjust the design to absolutely anything you want to add, using only the images you have available to you on your phone.
Technology like this has created a development in the world that it may even affect the future in Digital Media. The main reason why this affects it is because as Digital Media is something that is ever so improving so is technology. So in some way you can say that they are parallel to each other so whatever happens to one, it happens to the other one.
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